When you create a profile you are required to enter your email address. The system will automatically send

you a verification email. Inside the email is a link. By clicking the link you confirm that the email address is yours and you created the


Please note we do not control how your email provider delivers email to you. We suggest you check the Bulk/Spam

box as sometimes the email will been incorrectly marked as spam. If this is the case select the email and mark it as 'Not spam' or 'Move to inBox'.

Once you have done this you will be able to click the 'verification' link in the email.

Verification emails are sent at regular intervals over a period of 2 weeks until you either confirm or the system stops trying.

If you are using the app you may find that by clicking the link in the email will open your mobile browser. Please note this should not happen but

on the odd occasion it may. Please close the browser and open the app.

You can change your email address in Home Page - Menu  - Settings - Email Prefs (select change email) Enter new email address and your profile password.